
BGA IC 锡焊技术


Ball 直径

Reflow 后,为了检测膨胀标准值BGA的pad面,从不同角度进行观察。

Insufficient/Nneven Heating

→ 引发Insufficient/Uneven Heating、 Misalignment
Repair Process Temperature Profiles for FR 4 Material
Profile Topic Temperature Range Time Range
Flux Activation 100° - 110° C Not to exceed 120° C N/A
Flux Activation 120° to 150° C 30 to 120 seconds
Component Ramp Rate 2° to 4° C per second -
Reflow Dwell time Aboce 183° C 30 to 90 seconds
Solder joint Temp. Reak 200° to 220° C -
Component Max Temp 230° C 60 seconds
Board Temperature Above 150° C Not to exceed four minutes
Repair Process Temperature Profiles for FR 4 Material
Reflow Profile
锡焊不良专业术语 标准术语
锡焊 Solder oint KS Korean Standard
短路 Solder Bridging JIS Japan Industries Standard
冷焊 Cold Solder ANS American National Standard
未焊透(少锡) Insufficient Solder/td> IPC The Institude For Interconnection And Packaging
空焊 No Solder JEDEC Joint Electronic Device Engineering Council
多锡 Excessive Solder EIA Electronic Industires Association
漏插(未装) Non Mounting MIL Military Specification And Standard
插错(错装) Wrong Mounting
插反(反装) Reverse Mounting
锡裂 Solder Crack
元件裂纹 Component Crack
锡球 Solder Balls
不沾锡 Non-Wetting
立碑(元件立起) Tombstoning(Manhattan)
对位不齐 Missing Alignment
引脚弯曲 Bent Lead
元件反贴 Upside Down
杂质(污染) Contamin ated Solder
气泡/针孔 Void / Pin Holes
锡尖 Icicles / Protrusions
将名为《Martin Matietta》的锡焊不良Workmanship Stanards进行整理,得到上述专业术语。“漏插、插错、插反、元件反贴”参考了Display公司英文版作业标准。
(例如,Display公司以Non Insertion表示漏插。)